Cloth, Coops, and Creativity

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Can’t Sleep!

AllĀ  of yesterday I was researching everything I could, because I really want to turn Ollie Bums into a business. And the more I read about it, the more complicated it gets. There’s all the little details and everything is interwoven. I feel like if I don’t do things in the correct order, it could mess everything up. But with all that being said, I really don’t mind it. I am having fun learning how I can set up my own web page, what kind of business license I need, getting the certs for the fabric I use to make sure they are approved and safe to use as clothing/cloth diapers, etc…The feeling I get while doing my research is about the same as when I am reading a good book. New details keep emerging, every little detail is important. Just when I think I know what is going to happen, another twists sends me wandering off in another direction looking for more answers.

Well, anyways, now I can’t sleep. All I want to do is research more. I feel like the end results I want are so far away, but I can’t get any closer if I don’t try and keep plugging away. I know I wont have time for a nap either because tomorrow is going to be a laundry/sewing day. I got maybe 4 hours of sleep. Oh well. Sleep is overrated, right? lol