Cloth, Coops, and Creativity

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Can’t Sleep!

All  of yesterday I was researching everything I could, because I really want to turn Ollie Bums into a business. And the more I read about it, the more complicated it gets. There’s all the little details and everything is interwoven. I feel like if I don’t do things in the correct order, it could mess everything up. But with all that being said, I really don’t mind it. I am having fun learning how I can set up my own web page, what kind of business license I need, getting the certs for the fabric I use to make sure they are approved and safe to use as clothing/cloth diapers, etc…The feeling I get while doing my research is about the same as when I am reading a good book. New details keep emerging, every little detail is important. Just when I think I know what is going to happen, another twists sends me wandering off in another direction looking for more answers.

Well, anyways, now I can’t sleep. All I want to do is research more. I feel like the end results I want are so far away, but I can’t get any closer if I don’t try and keep plugging away. I know I wont have time for a nap either because tomorrow is going to be a laundry/sewing day. I got maybe 4 hours of sleep. Oh well. Sleep is overrated, right? lol

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Today I am pretty excited about the whole cloth diaper thing. I have finished making a few diapers and they look really professional. I posted some pictures on FB and I have people lined up to buy these things. And that was just on the chat group, not even in the selling group. I asked on there how to use paypal and figure out shipping and there were ladies giving me all sorts of great advice. I think tomorrow I am going to make a trip to the fabric store for some more material, walmart to buy some envelopes to ship my diapers in, and home to start selling 🙂 Right now I think I need to buy some more snaps. Off to Amazon I go!

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Well since we have slowed down on the coop again I am focusing on my cloth diaper business. Okay, so it’s not exactly a business yet, but it is the start of one. Today I will be cutting out pieces like crazy and then this evening I am going to sew them all together. I need to figure out how many I want to give away as testers so that I can get some feedback from the public. I’m not thrilled to give them away, but in the long run it could be a great thing for my business. I have a great feeling about this.

I also need to start working on creating a new pattern to improve the diapers I already have. I am excited about trying new things and coming up with some innovative ideas. Cloth diapering is already great, but I want to find a new spin on it. I won’t ramble on today because I need to get to work, but I’ll try to post pics of what  I come up with 🙂

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Ollie Bums

1st Ollie Bum Fitted Diaper

Last Night I finally completed my first Ollie Bum Fitted Diaper. I have one other done and all week I will be working to make as many more as possible. Then the beginning of next month I am going to be meeting a lady who wants to look at them. If she likes them we may try to work out a deal so that she can sell them in her shop. I am excited to see my business slowly come to life 🙂 I have a good feeling about Ollie Bums

Building a Chicken Coop

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This coop is the inspiration for the one I am building. I’m sure mine will be a little different, but the concept will be the same. I however am using old pallets that a friend of mine got for free. The only thing I bought brand new for the coop is a water dish, a feeder, and the chicken wire. The rest is all recycled from whatever is given to us or what we can find in the backyard. Part of the run will actually be built from my mom’s old gazebo that she had set up over the deck. It will add some nice touches with some scrollwork. We are so close to finishing I am getting excited. It is very satisfying to see something you work on come to life, even if it does take a little longer to complete. That’s what will make finishing that much sweeter.

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I am truely amazed at what excites me as I get older. My baby girl learning how to wave or take a step. Getting to read my book for longer than 10 minutes uninterupted. Backyard chickens and cloth diapers….my older daughters learning to tell time or master a new skill. And getting my love to read a book. Okay, so he hasn’t actually read it yet, but he did ask me to check one out from the library from him. Amazing to me since all I have ever seen him read is guitar tabs.

So I was at the library and was trying to think of something my love would like to read. The first thing that came to mind was Hemingway. I have never personally read any of his books, but I have heard the name enough that it sounded like a good fit. Also I watched a movie with Owen Wilson in it where he goes to Paris and goes back in time. Somehow he ends up meeting Ernest Hemingway and I loved his character. It portrayed Hemingway’s personality is a bit brash, but there is something about the way his mind works that intrigues me. He has one of those minds that I wish I could just hang out with him for a day so I could nit-pick his brain.

Does it make me a nerd that I am so excited about the possibility of my hunny reading a book? I can just imagine him all kicked back and relaxed, holding up a worn copy of Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, and his attention focused upon the words printed on brittle, yellowing pages. It would make me want to buy him a cigar and put him in a wingback leather chair in a home library filled with the aroma of old books. Dark wood everywhere and an old vintage lamp with one of those emerald green shades just for reading sitting on a large wooden desk. Debussy wafting through the air. The gentle melody of Clair De Lune filling the senses and…  Hold up. I am going to stop here because I just realized this is never going to happen, lol.

Random thought before I go to bed. My favorite childhood fairytale was Beauty and the Beast. Looking back it had nothing to do with the love story, and everything to do with the fact that the beast gave her a library. I guess Belle was the only princess I identified with because she understood what is so magical about getting lost in a story.

As an adult I have less time for myself to get lost in the minds of great authors. But as the kids get older I have been able to find little morsels of quiet solitude where I have rekindled my passion for reading. At this point in my life, what excites me is the fact that my family may actually share this interest with me. There is nothing better than a good book.

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Head in the Clouds

I think it’s been about 15 days since my last post. I planned on writing daily, but you know how that goes, lol. I guess you could say that I’ve been busy, but that wouldn’t be entirely accurate. I’ll admit I have just been lazy. I have too many things going on at once and I tend to slack off a lot until I can manage to get myself back on schedule.


What have I been doing all this time you ask? Well, taking care of the kids is always my first priority. My love and I have also started watching movies almost every night thanks to the convenience of Redbox. And when I should be working on my chicken coop, or sewing diapers, I instead have been daydreaming. I know…not very productive. But dreaming to me is a lazy way of planning.


What am I planning? A trip to Paris someday, a homerun business so that I can spend all the time with my family, owning a home and enjoying simple daily routines. I watch shows where people travel and do all of the things I want to do and I have come to realize that my dreams are possible. Maybe not today, tomorrow, or even next year, but if I have a goal and always keep it in mind, I can make conscious daily decisions that move me a step closer.


There is a quote that I love. I’m not sure who said it, but always remember to shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars. 🙂

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Change is Good

My blog has changed a bit as I don’t really write anymore. It’s no excuse for a devoted writer, but living in a house with 3 adults, one teenage boy, two little girls and a baby makes it hard to find time, energy or the patience to write much of anything. So here lately I have been finding other things to keep me busy that don’t require such concentration. First is cloth diapering, and the second is building a chicken coop, lol.

Cloth diapers you ask?? Yes, they are the modern kind you see. With waterproof lining, snaps or Velcro. They are just like disposables, only I wash them every other day. They are so cute too. They come in all sorts of girly colors for my LO and are fun to shop for. I love buying them and getting my fluffmail. At first I thought I was the only one crazy over cloth, but then on FaceBook I found whole groups who are just as crazy as me. These women have stashes that range in the hundreds, which I do think is a bit excessive. I only have 22 diapers that last just fine. Well, 24 if you include the two that I made. I actually want to start making them to sell. Idk what it is about them. They’re just so cute!! (did I already say that?)

Okay, enough about diapers. My other obsession of late is chickens. I live in the city and had never thought about chickens before. But something possessed me to look up the laws, and low and behold, I can have 4! So I got some pallets from a friend, and my dad has taken my plans for a coop and brought them to life. The hen house is still under construction, but it is nearly finished and will soon be ready for some girls. I already have names for them too…Lucy, Ethyl, Lavern and Shirley, lol. Can you tell I like the older shows??

Maybe I was just a little traumatized after all that happened this last year, (I won’t go into detail), but I think I have definitely developed a bit of an eccentric personality. But I am happy. That’s all that matters, right? When mama is happy, the rest of the family can be too.

Anyhoo, I will try to keep y’all updated on my latest adventures. 🙂 Have a great day!